Our diary management and appointment booking service assist businesses with booking meetings, training, appointments, conferences, venues and general diary management.
Diary management can be a complex and time consuming task but is essential for productive lead generation, meetings and travel coordination.
Let us help with your critical diary management tasks that often get overlooked and ignored due to being too busy.
What is a Dormant Client Account and why is it important to nurture them?
A dormant client account is a pre-existing account archived in your filing cabinet due to a project or contract coming to an end and one that you have not returned to, to find out whether you can serve them again. They are essentially missed opportunities waiting to happen.
How do we help you win back dormant client accounts?
Dormant client account nurturing is what we do well. We help you bring your archived client accounts in your filing cabinet to life again where you thought they were once forgotten and in archive because that was the end. This is just the beginning. You will be surprised and amazed to see what a little time and effort can do to your bottom line. With our help, you will find your 'acres of diamonds' in your very own filing cabinets!
Virtualis prides itself on adding so much value and profit to your business and your balance sheet.
We aim to help you:
Wake up and win back one client account after another with our intuitive automated scheduling system
Re-connect with your pre-existing client list on platforms that have an impact and yield results
Re-ignite relationships with pre-existing clients
Get you in front of your pre-existing clients or your contacts with our friendly, unique messaging approach with absolutely no sales calls necessary, followed by;
Scheduling and confirming meetings either by face to face or on Teams or Zoom (whichever is most suitable) with ease
Turn pre-existing clients in to a once again current and prosperous client.
Convert your dormant accounts into a booming bottom line.
Know that the probability of selling to an existing account is 60% to 70% chance of business returning compared to the probability of selling to a new client which is between 5% to 20%. It is worth visiting your archived files.
Why we are different
We are instrumental in providing the very best service to our clients, for your clients. We bring tangible results to your business. Our ability to serve your clients is first and foremost our priority and we let nothing get in our way of reigniting those pre-existing client account relationships. Attitude is key to improving the performance and results in your business.
Here's what you do next
Find out about how we can work together to get bigger and more improved results for your business, making better use of your time by outsourcing your pre-existing list of high potential clients to Virtualis.
Get in touch for a discovery call
Prior to our discovery call, get your database list in to a good shape and where possible remove contacts that you know are no longer with the company, so that we can hit the ground running when re-engaging with them.
Understand that the results we achieve will be more attainable if your pre-existing contact list is no more than 18 months old (unless you know that you have a good chance of us getting a meeting arranged within a company, if older than 18 months old). The older the list, the more likely individuals have left the organisation. Warm contacts where you have previously done business with or potentially could have done business with, will aways be the approach that will yield the best results.
Think about how you might want to share your client list with us, with ease of access, modifications and updating purposes. Most of our clients use Sharepoint and share the access links but we can work with other platforms too.
You will want to share your diary with us so that we can work around existing commitments when booking in meetings.
Remember everything starts with a great attitude. If you had a great client relationship previously, this will become very apparent in our initial approach when taking the steps to re-engage with your pre-existing client accounts.